23. G.G. Liu#, Z. Gao#(同等贡献作者), Q. Wang, X. Xi, Y. H. Hu, M. R. Wang, C. Q. Liu, X. Lin, L. J. Deng, S. A. Yang, P. H. Zhou*, Y. Yang*, Y. D. Chong*, B. Zhang*, Topological Chern vectors in three-dimensional photonic crystals, Nature 609, 925-930 (2022).
22. L.Y. Yang#, Y.Wang#, Y. Meng, Z. X. Zhu, X. Xi, B. Yan, S. X. Lin, J. M. Chen, B. J. Shi, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, H. S. Chen, H. X. Sun*, G. G. Liu*, Yihao Yang*, and Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), Observation of Dirac hierarchy in three-dimensional acoustic topological insulators, Physical Review Letter 129, 125502 (2022). (Editors’ Suggestion)
21. Y.Yang, Z. Gao*(通讯作者), X. Feng, Y. Huang, P. Zhou, S. A. Yang*, Y. Chong*, and B. Zhang*, Ideal unconventional Weyl point in a chiral photonic metamaterial, Physical Review Letters125, 143001 (2020). (Editors’ Suggestion)
20. Y.An, Z. Gao*(通讯作者), and Z. Ouyang, Surface wave photonic quasicrystal, Applied Physics Letters116, 151104 (2020).
19. Y.Yang, Z. Gao*(*通讯作者), H. Xue, L. Zhang, M. He, Z. Yang, R. Singh, Y. Chong, B. Zhang*and H. Chen*, Realization of a three-dimensional photonic topological insulator, Nature 565, 622–626 (2019).
18. Z.Gao, L. Wu, F. Gao, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Spoof plasmonics: from metamaterial concept to topological description, Advanced Materials30, 1706683 (2018). (Invited Review)
17. Z.Gao, H. Xu, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Surface-wave pulse routing around sharp right angles, Physical Review Applied9, 044019 (2018).
16. Z.Gao, Z. Wang, and B. Zhang, Subwavelength wave manipulation in a thin surface-wave bandgap crystal, Optics Letters 43, 50-53 (2018).
15. Z.Gao, F. Gao, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Flexible photonic topological insulator, Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1800532 (2018).
14. Z.Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Y. Luo, and B. Zhang, Forward/Backward switching of plasmonic wave propagation using sign-reversal coupling, Advanced Materials29, 1700018 (2017).
13. Z.Gao, Z. Yang, F. Gao, H. Xue, Y. Yang, J. Dong, and B. Zhang, Valley surface-wave photonic crystal and its bulk/edge transport, Physical Review B 96, 201402(R) (2017)(Rapid Communication and Editors’ Suggestion)
12. Z.Gao, F. Gao, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Experimental demonstration of Fabry-Perot open resonators in a surface-wave bandgap crystal, Applied Physics Letters111, 121102 (2017).
11. F.Gao#, Z. Gao#(#同等贡献作者), X. Shi, Z. Yang, X. Lin, H. Xu, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, H. Chen, L. Lu, Y. Chong, and B. Zhang, Probing topological protection using a designer surface plasmon structure, Nature Communications7, 11619 (2016).
10. Z.Gao, F. Gao, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Experimental demonstration of a band-notched line-defect waveguide in a surface-wave photonic crystal, Applied Physics Letters109, 065639 (2016).
9. Z.Gao, F. Gao, K. K. Shastri, and B. Zhang, Frequency-selective propagation of localized spoof surface plasmons in a graded plasmonic resonator chain, Scientific Report6, 25576 (2016).
8. Z.Gao, F. Gao, and B. Zhang, High-order spoof localized surface plasmons supported on a complementary metallic spiral structure, Scientific Report6, 24447 (2016).
7. Z.Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Complementary structure for designer localized surface plasmons, Applied Physics Letters107, 191103 (2016).
6. Z.Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Deep-subwavelength magnetic-coupling-dominant interaction among magnetic localized surface plasmons, Physical Review B93, 195410 (2016).
5. Z.Gao, F. Gao, H. Y. Xu, Y. M. Zhang, B. L. Zhang, Localized spoof surface plasmons in textured open metal surfaces, Optics Letters41, 002181 (2016).
4. F.Gao#, Z. Gao#, (同等贡献作者),Y. Luo and B. Zhang, Invisibility dips of near-field energy transport in a spoof plasmonic meta-dimer, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 8307-8312 (2016).
3. Z.Gao, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, X. Shi, Z. Yang, and B. Zhang, Experimental demonstration of high-order magnetic localized spoof surface plasmons,Applied Physics Letters107, 041118 (2015).
2. Z.Gao, F. Gao, and B. Zhang, Guiding, bending, and splitting of coupled defect surface modes in a surface-wave photonic crystal, Applied Physics Letters108, 041105 (2015).
1. Z.Gao, F. Gao, and B. Zhang, Multi-directional plasmonic surface-wave splitters with full bandwidth isolation, Applied Physics Letters108, 111107 (2015). (Editor’s Pick)